

Improves blood circulation, tones, rejuvenates and beautifies the overall appearance of the skin.

Duration 30′18,00 €

The hips massage is an intense massage that has the main goal of local rejuvenation and restoring the elasticity of the skin by improving blood circulation and stimulating the cells. It removes dead cells and dirt and promotes the production of collagen and elastin, contributes to local decongestion, while it normalizes skin blemishes due to an increase in tissue oxygenation.
This massage is applied with special techniques in the thigh and hips area, making small circular and intense movements with an upward course, while the suction cup plays a decisive role in its completion, which through the suction mechanism maximizes the benefits in a much shorter time.
In each case, the receiver enjoys a relaxing and rejuvenating experience, both externally and internally.

This particular massage is not applied to people with venous insufficiency or phlebitis, as the friction creates heat in the area and there is a possibility of intensifying these conditions.